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v8::SharedArrayBuffer Class Reference

#include <v8-array-buffer.h>

Inheritance diagram for v8::SharedArrayBuffer:
Collaboration diagram for v8::SharedArrayBuffer:

Public Member Functions

size_t ByteLength () const
size_t MaxByteLength () const
std::shared_ptr< BackingStoreGetBackingStore ()
void * Data () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from v8::Object
Maybe< bool > Set (Local< Context > context, Local< Value > key, Local< Value > value)
Maybe< bool > Set (Local< Context > context, Local< Value > key, Local< Value > value, MaybeLocal< Object > receiver)
Maybe< bool > Set (Local< Context > context, uint32_t index, Local< Value > value)
Maybe< bool > CreateDataProperty (Local< Context > context, Local< Name > key, Local< Value > value)
Maybe< bool > CreateDataProperty (Local< Context > context, uint32_t index, Local< Value > value)
Maybe< bool > DefineOwnProperty (Local< Context > context, Local< Name > key, Local< Value > value, PropertyAttribute attributes=None)
Maybe< bool > DefineProperty (Local< Context > context, Local< Name > key, PropertyDescriptor &descriptor)
MaybeLocal< ValueGet (Local< Context > context, Local< Value > key)
MaybeLocal< ValueGet (Local< Context > context, Local< Value > key, MaybeLocal< Object > receiver)
MaybeLocal< ValueGet (Local< Context > context, uint32_t index)
Maybe< PropertyAttributeGetPropertyAttributes (Local< Context > context, Local< Value > key)
MaybeLocal< ValueGetOwnPropertyDescriptor (Local< Context > context, Local< Name > key)
Maybe< bool > Has (Local< Context > context, Local< Value > key)
Maybe< bool > Delete (Local< Context > context, Local< Value > key)
Maybe< bool > Has (Local< Context > context, uint32_t index)
Maybe< bool > Delete (Local< Context > context, uint32_t index)
void SetAccessorProperty (Local< Name > name, Local< Function > getter, Local< Function > setter=Local< Function >(), PropertyAttribute attributes=None)
Maybe< bool > SetNativeDataProperty (Local< Context > context, Local< Name > name, AccessorNameGetterCallback getter, AccessorNameSetterCallback setter=nullptr, Local< Value > data=Local< Value >(), PropertyAttribute attributes=None, SideEffectType getter_side_effect_type=SideEffectType::kHasSideEffect, SideEffectType setter_side_effect_type=SideEffectType::kHasSideEffect)
Maybe< bool > SetLazyDataProperty (Local< Context > context, Local< Name > name, AccessorNameGetterCallback getter, Local< Value > data=Local< Value >(), PropertyAttribute attributes=None, SideEffectType getter_side_effect_type=SideEffectType::kHasSideEffect, SideEffectType setter_side_effect_type=SideEffectType::kHasSideEffect)
Maybe< bool > HasPrivate (Local< Context > context, Local< Private > key)
Maybe< bool > SetPrivate (Local< Context > context, Local< Private > key, Local< Value > value)
Maybe< bool > DeletePrivate (Local< Context > context, Local< Private > key)
MaybeLocal< ValueGetPrivate (Local< Context > context, Local< Private > key)
MaybeLocal< ArrayGetPropertyNames (Local< Context > context)
MaybeLocal< ArrayGetPropertyNames (Local< Context > context, KeyCollectionMode mode, PropertyFilter property_filter, IndexFilter index_filter, KeyConversionMode key_conversion=KeyConversionMode::kKeepNumbers)
MaybeLocal< ArrayGetOwnPropertyNames (Local< Context > context)
MaybeLocal< ArrayGetOwnPropertyNames (Local< Context > context, PropertyFilter filter, KeyConversionMode key_conversion=KeyConversionMode::kKeepNumbers)
Local< ValueGetPrototype ()
Local< ValueGetPrototypeV2 ()
Maybe< bool > SetPrototype (Local< Context > context, Local< Value > prototype)
Maybe< bool > SetPrototypeV2 (Local< Context > context, Local< Value > prototype)
Local< ObjectFindInstanceInPrototypeChain (Local< FunctionTemplate > tmpl)
MaybeLocal< StringObjectProtoToString (Local< Context > context)
Local< StringGetConstructorName ()
Maybe< bool > SetIntegrityLevel (Local< Context > context, IntegrityLevel level)
int InternalFieldCount () const
Local< DataGetInternalField (int index)
void SetInternalField (int index, Local< Data > data)
void * GetAlignedPointerFromInternalField (int index)
void * GetAlignedPointerFromInternalField (v8::Isolate *isolate, int index)
void SetAlignedPointerInInternalField (int index, void *value)
void SetAlignedPointerInInternalFields (int argc, int indices[], void *values[])
Maybe< bool > HasOwnProperty (Local< Context > context, Local< Name > key)
Maybe< bool > HasOwnProperty (Local< Context > context, uint32_t index)
Maybe< bool > HasRealNamedProperty (Local< Context > context, Local< Name > key)
Maybe< bool > HasRealIndexedProperty (Local< Context > context, uint32_t index)
Maybe< bool > HasRealNamedCallbackProperty (Local< Context > context, Local< Name > key)
MaybeLocal< ValueGetRealNamedPropertyInPrototypeChain (Local< Context > context, Local< Name > key)
Maybe< PropertyAttributeGetRealNamedPropertyAttributesInPrototypeChain (Local< Context > context, Local< Name > key)
MaybeLocal< ValueGetRealNamedProperty (Local< Context > context, Local< Name > key)
Maybe< PropertyAttributeGetRealNamedPropertyAttributes (Local< Context > context, Local< Name > key)
bool HasNamedLookupInterceptor () const
bool HasIndexedLookupInterceptor () const
int GetIdentityHash ()
Local< ObjectClone (v8::Isolate *isolate)
Local< ObjectClone ()
MaybeLocal< ContextGetCreationContext (v8::Isolate *isolate)
MaybeLocal< ContextGetCreationContext ()
Local< ContextGetCreationContextChecked (v8::Isolate *isolate)
Local< ContextGetCreationContextChecked ()
void * GetAlignedPointerFromEmbedderDataInCreationContext (v8::Isolate *isolate, int index)
void * GetAlignedPointerFromEmbedderDataInCreationContext (int index)
bool IsCallable () const
bool IsConstructor () const
bool IsApiWrapper () const
bool IsUndetectable () const
MaybeLocal< ValueCallAsFunction (Local< Context > context, Local< Value > recv, int argc, Local< Value > argv[])
MaybeLocal< ValueCallAsConstructor (Local< Context > context, int argc, Local< Value > argv[])
IsolateGetIsolate ()
MaybeLocal< ArrayPreviewEntries (bool *is_key_value)
bool IsCodeLike (Isolate *isolate) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from v8::Value
bool IsUndefined () const
bool IsNull () const
bool IsNullOrUndefined () const
bool IsTrue () const
bool IsFalse () const
bool IsName () const
bool IsString () const
bool IsSymbol () const
bool IsFunction () const
bool IsArray () const
bool IsObject () const
bool IsBigInt () const
bool IsBoolean () const
bool IsNumber () const
bool IsExternal () const
bool IsInt32 () const
bool IsUint32 () const
bool IsDate () const
bool IsArgumentsObject () const
bool IsBigIntObject () const
bool IsBooleanObject () const
bool IsNumberObject () const
bool IsStringObject () const
bool IsSymbolObject () const
bool IsNativeError () const
bool IsRegExp () const
bool IsAsyncFunction () const
bool IsGeneratorFunction () const
bool IsGeneratorObject () const
bool IsPromise () const
bool IsMap () const
bool IsSet () const
bool IsMapIterator () const
bool IsSetIterator () const
bool IsWeakMap () const
bool IsWeakSet () const
bool IsWeakRef () const
bool IsArrayBuffer () const
bool IsArrayBufferView () const
bool IsTypedArray () const
bool IsUint8Array () const
bool IsUint8ClampedArray () const
bool IsInt8Array () const
bool IsUint16Array () const
bool IsInt16Array () const
bool IsUint32Array () const
bool IsInt32Array () const
bool IsFloat16Array () const
bool IsFloat32Array () const
bool IsFloat64Array () const
bool IsBigInt64Array () const
bool IsBigUint64Array () const
bool IsDataView () const
bool IsSharedArrayBuffer () const
bool IsProxy () const
bool IsWasmMemoryObject () const
bool IsWasmModuleObject () const
bool IsWasmNull () const
bool IsModuleNamespaceObject () const
MaybeLocal< PrimitiveToPrimitive (Local< Context > context) const
MaybeLocal< NumericToNumeric (Local< Context > context) const
MaybeLocal< BigIntToBigInt (Local< Context > context) const
MaybeLocal< NumberToNumber (Local< Context > context) const
MaybeLocal< StringToString (Local< Context > context) const
MaybeLocal< StringToDetailString (Local< Context > context) const
MaybeLocal< ObjectToObject (Local< Context > context) const
MaybeLocal< IntegerToInteger (Local< Context > context) const
MaybeLocal< Uint32ToUint32 (Local< Context > context) const
MaybeLocal< Int32ToInt32 (Local< Context > context) const
Local< BooleanToBoolean (Isolate *isolate) const
MaybeLocal< Uint32ToArrayIndex (Local< Context > context) const
bool BooleanValue (Isolate *isolate) const
Maybe< double > NumberValue (Local< Context > context) const
Maybe< int64_t > IntegerValue (Local< Context > context) const
Maybe< uint32_t > Uint32Value (Local< Context > context) const
Maybe< int32_t > Int32Value (Local< Context > context) const
Maybe< bool > Equals (Local< Context > context, Local< Value > that) const
bool StrictEquals (Local< Value > that) const
bool SameValue (Local< Value > that) const
Local< StringTypeOf (Isolate *)
Maybe< bool > InstanceOf (Local< Context > context, Local< Object > object)
ValueCast (Data *value)
- Public Member Functions inherited from v8::Data
bool IsValue () const
bool IsModule () const
bool IsFixedArray () const
bool IsPrivate () const
bool IsObjectTemplate () const
bool IsFunctionTemplate () const
bool IsContext () const

Static Public Member Functions

static Local< SharedArrayBufferNew (Isolate *isolate, size_t byte_length, BackingStoreInitializationMode initialization_mode=BackingStoreInitializationMode::kZeroInitialized)
static Local< SharedArrayBufferNew (Isolate *isolate, std::shared_ptr< BackingStore > backing_store)
static std::unique_ptr< BackingStoreNewBackingStore (Isolate *isolate, size_t byte_length, BackingStoreInitializationMode initialization_mode=BackingStoreInitializationMode::kZeroInitialized)
static std::unique_ptr< BackingStoreNewBackingStore (void *data, size_t byte_length, v8::BackingStore::DeleterCallback deleter, void *deleter_data)
static SharedArrayBufferCast (Value *value)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from v8::Object
static int InternalFieldCount (const PersistentBase< Object > &object)
static int InternalFieldCount (const BasicTracedReference< Object > &object)
static void * GetAlignedPointerFromInternalField (const PersistentBase< Object > &object, int index)
static void * GetAlignedPointerFromInternalField (const BasicTracedReference< Object > &object, int index)
template<CppHeapPointerTag tag, typename T = void>
static T * Unwrap (v8::Isolate *isolate, const v8::Local< v8::Object > &wrapper)
template<CppHeapPointerTag tag, typename T = void>
static T * Unwrap (v8::Isolate *isolate, const PersistentBase< Object > &wrapper)
template<CppHeapPointerTag tag, typename T = void>
static T * Unwrap (v8::Isolate *isolate, const BasicTracedReference< Object > &wrapper)
template<typename T = void>
static T * Unwrap (v8::Isolate *isolate, const v8::Local< v8::Object > &wrapper, CppHeapPointerTagRange tag_range)
template<typename T = void>
static T * Unwrap (v8::Isolate *isolate, const PersistentBase< Object > &wrapper, CppHeapPointerTagRange tag_range)
template<typename T = void>
static T * Unwrap (v8::Isolate *isolate, const BasicTracedReference< Object > &wrapper, CppHeapPointerTagRange tag_range)
template<CppHeapPointerTag tag>
static void Wrap (v8::Isolate *isolate, const v8::Local< v8::Object > &wrapper, void *wrappable)
template<CppHeapPointerTag tag>
static void Wrap (v8::Isolate *isolate, const PersistentBase< Object > &wrapper, void *wrappable)
template<CppHeapPointerTag tag>
static void Wrap (v8::Isolate *isolate, const BasicTracedReference< Object > &wrapper, void *wrappable)
static void Wrap (v8::Isolate *isolate, const v8::Local< v8::Object > &wrapper, void *wrappable, CppHeapPointerTag tag)
static void Wrap (v8::Isolate *isolate, const PersistentBase< Object > &wrapper, void *wrappable, CppHeapPointerTag tag)
static void Wrap (v8::Isolate *isolate, const BasicTracedReference< Object > &wrapper, void *wrappable, CppHeapPointerTag tag)
static MaybeLocal< ContextGetCreationContext (v8::Isolate *isolate, const PersistentBase< Object > &object)
static MaybeLocal< ContextGetCreationContext (const PersistentBase< Object > &object)
static IsolateGetIsolate (const TracedReference< Object > &handle)
static Local< ObjectNew (Isolate *isolate)
static Local< ObjectNew (Isolate *isolate, Local< Value > prototype_or_null, Local< Name > *names, Local< Value > *values, size_t length)
static ObjectCast (Value *obj)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from v8::Value
template<class T >
static ValueCast (T *value)

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr int kInternalFieldCount

Detailed Description

An instance of the built-in SharedArrayBuffer constructor.

Member Function Documentation

◆ ByteLength()

size_t v8::SharedArrayBuffer::ByteLength ( ) const

Data length in bytes.

◆ Cast()

static SharedArrayBuffer * v8::SharedArrayBuffer::Cast ( Value value)

◆ Data()

void * v8::SharedArrayBuffer::Data ( ) const

More efficient shortcut for GetBackingStore()->Data(). The returned pointer is valid as long as the ArrayBuffer is alive.

◆ GetBackingStore()

std::shared_ptr< BackingStore > v8::SharedArrayBuffer::GetBackingStore ( )

Get a shared pointer to the backing store of this array buffer. This pointer coordinates the lifetime management of the internal storage with any live ArrayBuffers on the heap, even across isolates. The embedder should not attempt to manage lifetime of the storage through other means.

◆ MaxByteLength()

size_t v8::SharedArrayBuffer::MaxByteLength ( ) const

Maximum length in bytes.

◆ New() [1/2]

static Local< SharedArrayBuffer > v8::SharedArrayBuffer::New ( Isolate isolate,
size_t  byte_length,
BackingStoreInitializationMode  initialization_mode = BackingStoreInitializationMode::kZeroInitialized 

Create a new SharedArrayBuffer. Allocate |byte_length| bytes, which are either zero-initialized or uninitialized. Allocated memory will be owned by a created SharedArrayBuffer and will be deallocated when it is garbage-collected, unless the object is externalized.

◆ New() [2/2]

static Local< SharedArrayBuffer > v8::SharedArrayBuffer::New ( Isolate isolate,
std::shared_ptr< BackingStore backing_store 

Create a new SharedArrayBuffer with an existing backing store. The created array keeps a reference to the backing store until the array is garbage collected. Note that the IsExternal bit does not affect this reference from the array to the backing store.

In future IsExternal bit will be removed. Until then the bit is set as follows. If the backing store does not own the underlying buffer, then the array is created in externalized state. Otherwise, the array is created in internalized state. In the latter case the array can be transitioned to the externalized state using Externalize(backing_store).

◆ NewBackingStore() [1/2]

static std::unique_ptr< BackingStore > v8::SharedArrayBuffer::NewBackingStore ( Isolate isolate,
size_t  byte_length,
BackingStoreInitializationMode  initialization_mode = BackingStoreInitializationMode::kZeroInitialized 

Returns a new standalone BackingStore that is allocated using the array buffer allocator of the isolate. The allocation can either be zero intialized, or uninitialized. The result can be later passed to SharedArrayBuffer::New.

If the allocator returns nullptr, then the function may cause GCs in the given isolate and re-try the allocation. If GCs do not help, then the function will crash with an out-of-memory error.

◆ NewBackingStore() [2/2]

static std::unique_ptr< BackingStore > v8::SharedArrayBuffer::NewBackingStore ( void *  data,
size_t  byte_length,
v8::BackingStore::DeleterCallback  deleter,
void *  deleter_data 

Returns a new standalone BackingStore that takes over the ownership of the given buffer. The destructor of the BackingStore invokes the given deleter callback.

The result can be later passed to SharedArrayBuffer::New. The raw pointer to the buffer must not be passed again to any V8 functions.

Member Data Documentation

◆ kInternalFieldCount

constexpr int v8::SharedArrayBuffer::kInternalFieldCount
Initial value:

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